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  1. B

    Stampede Father’s Day cook

    Also a bit late to the party, but I did a leg of lamb on the stampede, then seared in my oven per BethV’s instructions here.
  2. B

    Memorial Day 2021: Whats cooking?

    Indeed, sliced brisket on a flaky biscuit is an amazing way to start a day.
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    Memorial Day 2021: Whats cooking?

    We got ahead of ourselves and did a Costco prime brisket yesterday. Cooked for about 10 hours starting on Lo for 4 hours and then bumping up to 225 until around 160 degrees in the flat. Then wrapped and back on at 250 until probe tender around 200 degrees. Finally, it rested in a 150 degree oven...
  4. B

    Req Teq App.

    Lack of notifications for defined probe alarms has happened for every cook I've done so far with my 590 and I've contacted support every time. The last time I spoke with support I was told there was an app update coming to fix this, the time before that they called me in the middle of a Tuesday...