Bustergut's latest activity

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    Bustergut reacted to SmokeZilla's post in the thread Brisket with Like Like.
    Thanks for the reply. If you go chopped or pulled, I recommend a sweet pickle and an onion ring on the top using a sesame seed or onion...
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    Bustergut replied to the thread Brisket.
    And a great answer. Thanks. I think I might try chopped next time.
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    Bustergut reacted to SmokeZilla's post in the thread Brisket with Like Like.
    I like both. There is nothing better than a chopped or pulled brisket sandwich slathered with my home made sauces. Perhaps it’s the NC...
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    Bustergut reacted to RPopeilFan's post in the thread Brisket with Like Like.
    I prefer mine sliced, even the point. But I've been cooking primal chuck cuts lately and a pulled sandwich from that is hard to beat...
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    Bustergut reacted to frawil's post in the thread Brisket with Like Like.
    I prefer sliced brisket. However, if I overcook it becomes impossible to slice and then I will pull or chop. Still tastes good, just 3...
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    Bustergut reacted to jasonbr1975's post in the thread Brisket with Like Like.
    it’s gotta be sliced for me. Although, I don’t turn down a chopped brisket sandwich.
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    Bustergut posted the thread Brisket in Rec Teq Lounge.
    I have always sliced my briskets but I'm wondering if anybody has any thoughts on chopped vs. pulled vs. sliced.
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    Bustergut replied to the thread RTD Replacement?.
    It's the temperature probe inside your smoker, I relieve. "Temperature Resistance Detector"
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    Bustergut reacted to Motodad1776's post in the thread RTD Replacement? with Like Like.
    What the hell is an RTD, is that some kind of STD? :unsure:
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    I'm confused when you say you are "...done with any gas grill... Isn't the Blackstone a propane grill?
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    Great suggestions I like the techniques and recipes personally I would suggest on more category “Whining about the WiFi”
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    Bustergut replied to the thread So did I make a bad decision ?.
    Anyone who has ever butt-dialed someone shouldn't wonder why they removed the remote start feature. It was nothing but a huge liability...
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    Bustergut replied to the thread App and Model.
    Man, I agree with you here. I swear some of these computer techies say "I'm bored, let's change some things". They make changes just...
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    Bustergut reacted to DesertRat's post in the thread App and Model with Like Like.
    Do you have particular brands in mind that are superior and in a similar price range? My 590 is about three years old and has worked as...
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    Bustergut reacted to Beach Bum's post in the thread Need lid for grease bucket with Like Like.
    Yep, as Charles said, disposable glass jar is the answer. Grab an empty pasta sauce, pickle, pepper or other random one. It is the...