Other Favorite coffee


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I want to share my favorite Indian coffee recipe. Indian Espresso Coffee made without an espresso machine.
Instant Coffee Powder - 1 tbsp.
Granulated Sugar - 2 tbsp. (alter according to your taste)
Milk - 1 cup (240 ml)
Water - 1 tsp.
Cocoa Powder - To sprinkle on top (optional)

In a coffee mug, put instant coffee powder and sugar. Add 1 tsp. water and mix.
With a spoon, start beating the mix vigorously. You have to incorporate as much air as you can. That will give you the whipped frothy coffee-sugar mix. The more you beat, the mix will become pale in color. Make sure your mix is whipped and creamy enough.
Heat a cup of milk and pour it over the whipped coffee-sugar paste. Stir. Sprinkle cocoa powder and serve immediately. Of course, if you have an espresso machine, it would be easier to prepare.

To make more than 1 cup, prepare the coffee-sugar paste in a bowl. Divide the pasta equally into each coffee mug and pour hot milk. Stir and serve.

I really like this way of making coffee, and I hope you will like it too. Try and share your thoughts!
Interesting, I’ve never tried it this way. I’m always up for expanding my coffee experiences.
I'll give this a shot if I ever have instant coffee around. I generally only buy it when I am doing a coffee rub.

Otherwise, fresh ground beans in a french press.
Have to admit, trying a number of different ways to make coffee and French Press just wins. I'll mix up, pre ground and fresh ground as different ones go on sale. Top 3. White Castle. Tim Hortons and Gevalia. I do like some of the Black Rifle offers but it's too pricey to drink all the time. Your tip on pre-mixing the instant and sugar is something I always do.
Have to admit, trying a number of different ways to make coffee and French Press just wins. I'll mix up, pre ground and fresh ground as different ones go on sale. Top 3. White Castle. Tim Hortons and Gevalia. I do like some of the Black Rifle offers but it's too pricey to drink all the time. Your tip on pre-mixing the instant and sugar is something I always do.
One more recipe idea I use typically when camping. Instant coffee. Hot chocolate. Marshmallows and Bailey's (or your favorite liqueur). Mix the dry ingredients with a little bit of milk til incorporated. Add the hot water. Then your Bailey's, then a couple marshmallows.
Here's a thought. Why not roast your own?

I have been roasting green beans for going on ten years and love the results. Beans are available through Burman Brothers https://burmancoffee.com/ in Wisconsin or https://www.sweetmarias.com/ in the SF Bay Area, CA. Sweet Marias gives you more detailed info but are more expensive than Burman, but Burman responds to questions better. Both offer roaster/coffee bundles.

You can roast coffee beans in a skillet but an air roaster like the Fresh Roast SR540 or SR800 is a lot more controllable. There are larger roasters like the Gene Cafe which are more hands off. You will need a place to roast with an exhaust fan (stove hood works well) since the roasting creates lots of smoke.

I get a pound of top grade beans for between $6.50 and $7.95 and the roasted weight is about 6.5 oz. That comes to about $8.60/lb of roasted coffee.

If you do a return on investment alone, it pays off fairly quickly if you regularly drink coffee and it is far fresher that Charbucks or any of the other brands as well as you can play with the beans and make coffee as you like it.

Judging from the level of tinkering I see on this BB, self roasting coffee should be right down our alley. Fair warning, the coffee roasting rabbit hole is just a deep as the smoker rabbit hole.
We don’t roast our own beans, but we are devoted coffee aficionados. Our preferred coffees are Bajawa Ngura (Flores Island), Papua New Guinea and Yirgacheffe (Ethiopia). All medium roast.

We use a Jura Z9 coffee machine that grinds the whole beans and brews the coffee, and a Jura ENA Micro 5 for easy switching to a different bean.

I like my coffee in the Spanish “Cortado” style (“cut” with just a touch of half-and-half) and my wife prefers a bit more half-and-half in the Cafe Con Leche style.

Would be interested in the experiences of others; favorite coffees and sources, coffee makers used, etc. BBQ/Smoking folks are usually quite attentive to the details, so I suspect many on this forum may be the same way with their coffees. What say?
Not much of a coffee drinker and never developed into a coffee snob...lol.
Maxwell House K-cup thru a Keurig one cup in the morning works for me.
Dunkin Donuts medium roast using a #2 pour over cone into Yeti 20 oz tumbler. Black as coal. (yes I know Folgers bought the DD brand coffee) When I'm out and about, it's the 24 oz Sheetz Colombian Roast (PA regional convenience store chain)
Not much of a coffee drinker and never developed into a coffee snob...lol.
Maxwell House K-cup thru a Keurig one cup in the morning works for me.
Same here, most days I’m drinking Folgers Black Silk made in a Bunn coffee maker. My wife does get a Black Rifle subscription, so she shares that with me occasionally!
Not entirely sure how I ended up in the coffee thread (no, not daydrinking); but I'll play along.
Roasted my own beans once upon a time. Not a fan of the oven or the skillet - I used an old popcorn pumper(air popper) with a hurricane glass on top to roast. I think sweetmarias has the instructions on how to do that. Coffee prep methods, Turkish, French Press, Vacuum Pot, Drip, Espresso machine (Magnifica).
I've tried most regions, but there are too many brands to keep up with. Lately I'll just buy whatever the "best" whole beans are available at Costco. Sometimes Jamaican, sometimes "Mayan", sometimes Two Brothers. I just prefer a medium roast in whatever I am getting.

PS- y'all know the more you roast it - the less caffeine is left in there, right?
Worked at Starbucks HQ for about 6 years, every meeting we had would/were supposed to start with a “coffee tasting”. Big fan of low acidity, full body, coffees. Typically found in Latin America. Ironically I only really drink the blonde roast from Starbucks as I don’t like my coffee too roasted. Funny since I love burnt ends and the crispy bits.

As far as how I drink it - a good pour of half and half before you pour the coffee in. I’m surprised more people people don't do this, but just like when you’re making a cream sauce or what not, you want to temper the milk to room temperature. Easiest way is to just add it before you pour in the hot coffee.
I roast my own coffee. Mostly Central American origins. Been doing it for 35 years.
I like it drip and thru my espresso machine.
I roast my own coffee. Mostly Central American origins. Been doing it for 35 years.
I like it drip and thru my espresso machine.
I used to do the popcorn popper with an extra long cord to drop the heat a little. It was fun, house smelled great.
Have done Black Rifle subscription and love stopping at local roasters when traveling. Recently found Trade Coffee which sources their coffee from roasters across the United States according to a personal taste profile. My first delivery was extremely good using an OXO Burr grinder and OXO drip coffee maker.
Shipping is free and delivery frequency based upon how much/often you drink. You are in control of your selection but for now I’ll let them choose until I have a collection of favorites.
This is a special one.


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