I Can See Further at Night than in the Day Time - Any Challengers???


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  1. Bull
In light of the Supermoon we will be seeing for the next few days I offer the following:

“I can see further at night than I can in the day time. Anyone want to take me on for this somewhat astrological discussion?”
In light of the Supermoon we will be seeing for the next few days I offer the following:

“I can see further at night than I can in the day time. Anyone want to take me on for this somewhat astrological discussion?”
Trick question, @SmokeZilla?

Of course you can “see further” at night; some of the stars visible at night are hundreds of light years away. During the day, the furthest thing you can see is probably the sun, or occasionally a planet, all of which are significantly less than a light year away.

So, if pure distance is the criteria, you can absolutely see further at night. ;)
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Ding, ding!!! Winner, winner chicken dinner. You’d be surprised how many people get baited into that one. I’ve had many free beers proving it to people in a bar at night. Since you now have the baton, what challenge do you want to toss at us?

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